Become a Pro Staff Member

pro-staff application

Apply by completing the form below.

All NEW Pro-Staff members will receive a special promo discount of 15% OFF through 2022.

    To be a Pro Staff Member you must be a member in any of the following organizations:
    A.S.A., I.B.O., N.F.A.A., N.A.A., F.I.T.A. or a member of any national, state or locally sanctioned hunting organization. (Otherwise you will be considered for a Field Staff position)
    This agreement represents a Pro Staff Member contract between High Tower Products and Pro or Field Staff Member.

    It is agreed:
    Pro Staff Member is expected to exclusively promote High Tower Products unless other arrangements have been made and agreed to in writing by High Tower Products and Pro Staff Member.
    HighTower Products shall provide the Pro Staff member the following:
    One-time stipend for the annual contract. (To be determines by HTHP Manager)
    HighTower Products Hat will be provided free.
    Other promotional clothing and materials can be purchased at Your Staff Pricing.
    Pro Staff Member agrees to help promote High Tower Products in every way possible by attending archery events and trade shows whenever possible, promote our products to local dealers, and use social media and internet forums to help educate others about our products whenever possible.
    This agreement is confidential and neither party shall disclose the terms and conditions or any sponsorship amounts, or descriptions of this Agreement, we also own rights to any images provided regardless of team standing.
    Staff prices are good only through the High Tower Products website and/or directly through High Tower Products and not valid at any retailers or wholesalers.
    Read, understood and agreed to by the undersigned:
    I declare that the above application is correct and agree to all of the terms and conditions.
    I declare to uphold this contract for a term of twelve months of dated contract.
    If Pro Staff Member terminates contract early, stipend already provided will be returned to High Tower Products.
    Pro-Staff Applicant Signature: